forms being filled out forms being filled out

Updating our records

Spring is a time of renewal and this spring we will be renewing two very important lists.

The first is the Electoral Roll: this is the list of people who are eligible to vote on church business at our Annual Parish Church Meeting. That’s the opportunity to elect (or re-elect) PCC members to lead the church for the coming year. You also need to be on the Electoral Roll to nominate people for the various positions of leadership in the church; so it’s important that everyone 18 years or over carefully considers joining, or renewing, Electoral Roll membership.

The Electoral Roll gets updated every year; but every sixth year we scrap the old Roll and start afresh – in other words we renew the Roll and 2025 is the year when we are doing it. This year our APCM is on 11th May so the renewal of the Electoral Roll will begin in mid-March. We will be handing out forms for you to fill in to secure your place on the Roll and they have to be handed back before the end of April.

The second is our Parish Directory: this is a name, home address, email address and phone number directory of everyone in the Parish. It’s entirely voluntary – you don’t have to be listed in the Directory if you don’t want to be, but only people who are listed in the Directory will be able to access it. The directory is a valuable asset to help you connect with other members of the Parish whose contact details you might not already have. Again, 2025 is a complete renewal of the Directory and we will be handing out forms in mid-March at the same time as the ER forms.

address book with pen on top

Since the Directory will be an online resource, everyone who is listed in it will be granted access to the Directory by the Parish Office. The Office will also be able to easily update the Directory whenever anything changes (such as a new mobile number or if you move house) and the updates will be immediately available in the online listing. For those who would like one, a paper copy can be made available through the Office but, of course, that won’t get updated every time something changes.

So look out for two forms in mid-March so that you can make sure you are part of our spring renewal.



© Parish of Basingstoke Down
Designed by Steve Coleman-Williams
and Sue Wood